Before you get in touch you might find the answer to commonly asked questions here:
If for some reason you need to cancel your order, then get in touch with us as soon as possible. Either call +44 (0)7743 012778 or email with your order number.
If for some reason you need to amend or add an item to your order, then please get in touch with us as soon as possible. Either call +44 (0)7743 012778 or email with your order number.
Yes, we do. However, please allow a little longer for your order to arrive.
You will usually receive your order within 3 working days. But if you need it sooner, please get in touch with us before you order and we will see if we can do anything to speed it up. Either call +44 (0)7743 012778 or email
If you have forgotten your password, please click here to reset it. If you are still having issues, please email
We are sorry to hear that your order isn’t as expected. Get in touch with us as soon as possible with your order details and the issue. Either call +44 (0)7743 012778 or email
Sometimes it can take up to an hour or so to receive an order acknowledgement email. However in the mean time, please check your spam and or junk folder as it may be in there. If after a couple of hours you still don’t have it, please email
There are a number of reasons why your order may not have been accepted, usually to do with your card payment provider. Please either try again using a different payment method (such as PayPal). If this still doesn’t work, please email
NSC National Saddle Centre Ltd
Foxbrook Farm, Old Warwick Road
Rowington, Warwick CV35 7AA
Visits by appointment only
Call: +44 (0) 7743 012778
Please Note: Visits are welcome but by appointment only, please contact us to arrange.
Monday | 10:00 – 16:30 |
Tuesday | 10:00 – 16:30 |
Wednesday | 10:00 – 16:30 |
Thursday | 10:00 – 16:30 |
Friday | 10:00 – 16:30 |
Saturday | CLOSED |
Sunday | CLOSED |
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Company No: 08684378
Registered as a private limited
company in England and Wales
+44 (0)7743 012778
NSC National Saddle Centre Ltd
Foxbrook Farm, Old Warwick Road
Rowington, Warwick CV35 7AA